Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rom-com reviews

 Like Crazy
This little independent number looked fantastic in previews. I honestly think it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. About twenty minutes in I thought, "This movie sucks," but I had to see if it got better. A lot of independent films come to fruition and turn out to be diamonds in the rough, not in this case unfortunately. I found it to be overdrawn, uneventful, and weak. The plot made little to no sense and the ending was god-awful. Rate it for yourself, but I give it two stars. 

Crazy, Stupid, Love.
 I actually liked this movie, but I thought it was going to be a lot better and by better I mean more meaningful or memorable. That being said the cast was great, the movie was cute, and let's get real I could watch Ryan Gosling make toast for hours on end so... It was a nice little rom-com though and it comes very highly recommended. Julianne Moore and Emma Stone two of my favorites as well. 

Last Night
Check out this upcoming rom-com! I think it could be potentially great. Honestly though who doesn't want to watch Kirra Knightly walk around in her skivvies dealing with love problems? I kind of adore her. Last Night is currently in theaters. I will not be watching it for a few months until it's released online.

See you at the pictures, 

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