Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I was kind of late to jump on the B.O.B. train. I downloaded his stuff a while back and listened to it a few times through some months ago. I liked a few songs that stuck out but not the album in it's entirety. I wanted to change it up tonight so I put him in the ole' cd player on my way to Starbucks. The intro song, "Don't Let Me Fall" immediately struck me. The lyrics are very humbling and positive/hopeful all while being very honest. I viewed the song as an omage to his journey as a rapper as well as a message to his fans. He got himself where he is, fans keep him from falling back down. I quite enjoyed it. 

I'm not a huge fan of the music video so I chose to post lyrics. My favorite lines are, "Now I'm in your house, now I'm in your stove, now I'm everywhere your ipod goes." "Cause I put my pain, my heart, my soul, my faith in this." "It's easy to see I was made for this, from the womb all the way to the grave I spit just show ya'll nigga's what greatness is. Yeah, I'm talking very lucid, like making movies. To picture my life boy, ya' need a higher resolution. I used to cut class in the day then runaway at night, now I'm ruler of the upper-class and I don't even write." 

I love when rap is fittingly combined with the electric guitar. The guitar coming in around 40 seconds just makes the song. I love the idea that by being an artist you go everywhere an ipod goes. That's such a cool concept its like you are constantly in billions of places at once changing millions of people's minds/moods. Very inspiring to me. So inspiring, that I think I'm going to attempt to relearn some chords and make a few indie mockups of songs such as this. I'm not the best singer, but I'd like to find a voice for songs that leave me with lasting feelings.  I also would like to get my wits about me on piano. I smell a side project while attending university this upcoming semester. 

My other favorite on this cd is "Past My Shades". I like the subtle confidence of this song. Everyone is trying to place you in a category and figure you out at all times, but they can't even see past your sunglasses. It's humorous and singing about sunglasses instantly makes a song cool. I love the jam band sound as well, the whole song has an effortlessness about it. If you haven't purchased or downloaded B.O.B's album, Adventures Of Bobby Ray, you may want to give it a listen, it's pretty worth it.

"It's easy to see I was made for this,"

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