Monday, November 28, 2011


A close friend told me about this little gadget/site/player the other day after a chat about finding music online. I thought it was a site at first like Pandora, however, it's actually a player (similar in appearance and layout to itunes) that you download to your computer. It's no utopia player, but it's quite handy. I will say that it has a VAST amount of artists, it recognized everyone I typed in. I listen to a lot of underground music and I was very impressed with the amount of artists it recognized and the amount of albums it listed. In most cases I found that every song featuring the artist and every album containing the artist showed up. It's not organized ideally, it's actually a bit hairy and takes some time tinkering to figure out. 

commercials (3 every few songs, they're quick and mostly about spotify products)
search (everything must be typed exactly as is or it won't show up)
no downloading

I plan on using the player to search for new music and to check up on my collections as well as browsing   and listening. Overall it's a great idea and it's huge. If you're really into music or you just want to listen to more I definitely recommend it.


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