Monday, November 28, 2011

First Post

Hopefully this will be a mile marker for something great in the future. I'm creating this blog to motivate myself to write and collect the findings of silly little things I like to look up. My goal is to make this space  a vault of information I find intriguing as well as a visual archive/timeline of my life. I'd like to try and keep it professional, trying my best not to cuss like a sailor and or rant about things I can't see to get over... work in progress. I wold like to try and bring a few different aspects to this blog such as: fashion, film, music, art, good information, cheap finds, food & dining, literature, some of my own work, creative/useful home decor & design ideas and much more I'm sure. I'll try and keep personal entries to a minimum. Any questions or comments just ask

Here's to a new adventure,

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