Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Any Paramore fans?

Just a little news update. If you don't already know, Paramore has a new album coming out expected this January. They have released three singles thus far, Monster released in September, Renegade released in October, and the latest Hello Cold World early November. The next single out is December 5th called In The Mourning. Don't go racin' to itunes just yet, you won't be able to purchase anything there yet.

Paramore is doing something against the grain, which I love. Instead of making these anticipated singles available on itunes, they are only releasing their singles to "The Singles Club" which you can sign up for on their websites. This enables fans to have the first and direct access to their songs before everyone else. It's pretty awesome. I just downloaded all of the songs using utorrent, which I highly recommend.

Not to fear, the whole album will be up on itunes when it drops this January. I'm a little in love with quirky little front woman Hayley Williams. She's super fun, super honest, completely herself and a positive young lady. Not to mention the rest of the now three piece Taylor and Jeremy are super talented and the band as a whole is very tight and together. The only thing left for Paramore is... more! They only prove to be getting bigger and better. I wish them all the luck in the world. They are some of them most deserving people in the music business. I look forward to the album and whatever else the touch this year! For more info check out Paramore's website

Check out the video for Monster.

Listen to Renegade

I keep listening to Hello Cold World in my car on the way to work. At first I scrunched up my nose at this song. I thought it sounded more on the poppy side. But after givin' it a right listen I found I quite liked it I did. The lyrics are really positive and have a great message behind them.  

Listen to the acoustic demo In The Mourning
(Here's a leak I found of the acoustic version)

 "Get out and go and get it!!"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Do you love giraffes?

Today while discussing my future plans of paying a scientist to somehow create a real miniature giraffe my friend asked me if I had ever seen "puppy cams"... Apparently there are people in the world that spend countless hours of their day watching puppies being broadcasted on the internet just playing and being cute. I think that's really stupid. If you are a puppy cam advocate I apologize for my bluntness, but what the cuss? Anyway, he mentioned that one day someone put up a giraffe cam using the same concept. Not to be selective, but I find giraffes captivating and have loved them for as long as I can remember. Thus, I am completely down to watch them gallop in the african plains in all of their giraffe like splendor during my free time.

I just decided to google a giraffe cam, being 2 in the morning here there are none being broadcasted on the site at the moment. However, there was a very eye catching link under the stream that spoke to me: "adopt a giraffe"


Yes, it turns out that some giraffes are endangered and zoo animals in general are expensive to pay for and maintain. Similar to Africa's adopt a child campaign you can now adopt your very own zoo aminal, yes aminal. By "adopt" of course they really mean you send us money and we send you a tote bag, a stuffed animal and a bill for a year, but still this concept is really cool.

With the holiday's around the corner this would be a great gift for an animal lover or a friend that has a favorite animal. If one of my friends were smart enough to give me an adopted giraffe as a gift I would cuss myself to bits. If you would like to donate, adopt, or just watch giraffe cams/ other live animal cams feel free. It's a really good cause and it's benefiting something other than the human race, which I find very important when it comes to mind. All of those likes are just for the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. I'm sure yo can donate to you're local zoo as well, all zoo's are usually in need.

I'll keep you all posted on the gmini, if anyone knows any scientists hit me up.

Monday, November 28, 2011


A close friend told me about this little gadget/site/player the other day after a chat about finding music online. I thought it was a site at first like Pandora, however, it's actually a player (similar in appearance and layout to itunes) that you download to your computer. It's no utopia player, but it's quite handy. I will say that it has a VAST amount of artists, it recognized everyone I typed in. I listen to a lot of underground music and I was very impressed with the amount of artists it recognized and the amount of albums it listed. In most cases I found that every song featuring the artist and every album containing the artist showed up. It's not organized ideally, it's actually a bit hairy and takes some time tinkering to figure out. 

commercials (3 every few songs, they're quick and mostly about spotify products)
search (everything must be typed exactly as is or it won't show up)
no downloading

I plan on using the player to search for new music and to check up on my collections as well as browsing   and listening. Overall it's a great idea and it's huge. If you're really into music or you just want to listen to more I definitely recommend it.


First Post

Hopefully this will be a mile marker for something great in the future. I'm creating this blog to motivate myself to write and collect the findings of silly little things I like to look up. My goal is to make this space  a vault of information I find intriguing as well as a visual archive/timeline of my life. I'd like to try and keep it professional, trying my best not to cuss like a sailor and or rant about things I can't see to get over... work in progress. I wold like to try and bring a few different aspects to this blog such as: fashion, film, music, art, good information, cheap finds, food & dining, literature, some of my own work, creative/useful home decor & design ideas and much more I'm sure. I'll try and keep personal entries to a minimum. Any questions or comments just ask

Here's to a new adventure,