Thursday, August 16, 2012

I make dis: Paint sample calendar

I was browsing through Pinterest the other day and I found this picture of a diy dry erase board calendar. Since I will use any excuse to go to Lowes and steal thousands of free paint swatches, I decided I could fulfill that inner klepto as well as create something unique, useful and beautiful for my dorm/apartment.

What you will need:

- A frame no smaller than 13.5 by 17.5 but I used 14 by 18 I think, if that's possible. Mine was $4.99 at Gabriel Brothers. You can find them at Walmart, Michaels, and Ikea for cheaper though.
- Paint Chips/Swatches/Samples ( You can find these at any hardware or paint store & they are free so take as many as you want.
- Different colored pens/shaarpees
- Scissors & a glue stick.
- A ruler if you're good with one.
- Some type of background to stick everything on to, I suggest flipping over the picture insert with all of the advertisements of the frame and just use that.


- Touching the frame. My frame was black and cheap, as I held the edges to line up the paper and the frame the black paint from the frame rubbed off on my finger tips and I got prints all over my samples, not to worry, this came off with a damp paper towel.

- The only measuring I did was outlining my paper within my frame. All frames have a tiny 1/4 in. of space where the frame juts out and it will cover your work if you glue your swatches right on the edges of your paper. I recommend waiting until you're about to glue, slowly lifting your display onto the cardboard backing. Take the glass out of the frame and put it all together. Take a pen or pencil and go around the outside edges where the frame meets the paper. This way when you take it apart you'll have a line that shows you where to put your cut samples so no white shows through if you don't want it to.

All in all it was a little time consuming, but totally worth the price and a fun cute way to liven up a room.

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