Thursday, January 12, 2012

Natalie Portman

So I've been on a Natalie Portman kick lately. I think physically she is a perfect human being. Ratio wise she resembles a great likeness to Audrey Hepburn in my opinion. Anyway, I've loved her acting since Where The Heart Is. Recently I've become obsessed, so I IMDB'd her and 'm currently attempting to watch all of her movies.

This week thus far I have seen a recommended film by someone in my pop culture class, Leon: The Professional, which was awesome! It features miss Portman when she was thirteen. She was still brilliant. The movie is about a girl from a bad family being taking in by a hit-man. I will say no more. I give it 6 stars. I thought it was very well done for 94.

Last night I watched Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. For the most part I enjoyed this film, I wish the ending wasn't so abrupt though. 3 1/2 stars.

I followed that with Hesher, staring Joesph Gordon Levit. I thought it was pretty fantastic. The film is about a young boy that just lost his mother. Levit's character is a hardcore metal head that just ruins everything he touches. The movie is along the same lines of humor as Little Miss Sunshine. I laughed quite a few times. 5 stars.

More Later,

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